Facebook tech news will be your source
Facebook tech news! Facebook today launched a new Page devoted to surfacing strictly tech news in your timeline. FB Techwire, an extension of FB Newswire, will serve as yet another tool for journalists for exposing the highest-quality work of those working in the tech community.
Like Newswire, which launched earlier this year, Techwire will verify and aggregate the best content of the today in a manner that makes the conversation surrounding the news accessible to its audience. In that way, it’s mostly identical to its forebear, only with a narrower focus. As Andy Mitchell, Facebook’s director of news and global media partnerships, said earlier this year about Newswire, “It’s all about thinking of Facebook as a primary source of news content, formatted so journalists can easily scan content and pick out what’s newsworthy.” Techwire will surely be treated the same way.
The challenger here, as ever, is to convince tech journalists to post their stories to Facebook first instead of Twitter. However, Facebook remains the biggest driver of referral traffic among social media platforms, a fact publishers are slowly but surely cottoning to. And tech already commands a massive audience. Facebook might be onto something here.