FPSC has announced jobs for 400+ Patrol Officer Jobs For Graduates in National Highway & Motorway Police and Other in February 2018. Intending candidates may apply online upto 19th February, 2018 for the following vacancies. Also visit FPSC’s website for details mentioned in the General Instructions to the candidates.
400+ Patrol Officer Jobs For Graduates in National Highway & Motorway Police
Requirements Patrol Officers (400 Posts)
(i) Second Class or Grade‘C’ Bachelor’s Degree.
(ii) MINIMUM HEIGHT: (a) FOR MALE: 5′-8″ (b) FOR FEMALE: 5′-4″ (For candidates of Balochistan height is relaxable by 2″ for male and by 1″ for female).
(iii)MINIMUM CHEST MEASUREMENT: 33″-35″ (Relaxable by 1″).
(iv) Car and Motorcycle Driving proficiency required. AGE LIMIT: 18-25 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit (No further age relaxation beyond 30 years is admissible for any category including Government Servants).
DOMICILE: Merit=Twenty three, Punjab= One hundred & sixty (Open merit=One hundred & thirty one, Women quota=Twenty one and Minorities/Non Muslims quota=eight), Sindh(Rural)=Thirty eight (open merit=Twenty nine, Women quota=Sixand Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=Three), Sindh (Urban)= Twenty five (Open merit=Twenty,Women quota=Four and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Thirty Eight (Open merit=Twenty nine, Women quota=Six and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=Three),Balochistan=Seventeen (Open merit=Fifteen and Women quota=Two), GBFATA=Thirteen (Open Merit=Ten, Women quota=Two and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One) and AJK=Seven (Open Merit=Five, Women quota=One and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One). (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
NOTE: – The Eligibility of pre-selected candidates with regard to
(i) Physical Standard of Fitness
(ii) Car and Motorcycle driving proficiency as advertised will be determined on the basis of Medical Examination and driving test to be arranged/ conducted by the NH&MP as and when required.
Last Date: 19 February 2018
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