how to speed up Mozilla Firefox in Seconds – have Slow browser ? Learn how to increase your Browser speed without any Addons or Extensions.
I know you have already read and follow many tricks to increase your Browsers speed. I also know very well that none of one is work ? . But believe me, Trick which i am going to share is very helpful and works accurately.
So, here you will learn how to speed up Mozilla Firefox without any addons or extensions. This trick especially dedicated to those users who use Mobile internet on PC. One more thing, you don’t need to install any application or extension to increase your Firefox Speed .
Don’t be surprise, there are some hidden files in Firefox which continuously use your internet speed and in last the main cause of slow surfing. So, if you are also facing slow surfing then you are at right place.
Trick to increase your Browser Speed Permanently :
This Speed Boasting trick is specially written for Mobile users, who use mobile internet on PC via any PC Suite, Bluetooth or other ways. On the other hand PC Users can also apply this trick and enjoy high speed.
Note : this trick is only for Firefox Users.
So, how to speed up Mozilla Firefox – Follow these steps :
- Open your Mozilla Firefox Browser and type “about:config” in the address bar (URL Bar).
- A pop Up will appear with this message “This might Void your Warranty!“. Don’t worry just ignore it and click on “I’ll be Careful, I promise!“.
- Just after clicking you will see a list of options on the same page.
- On the page search bar type “network.http.pipelining” and hit enter.
- It will extract some selected field. Check the “network.http.pipelining” values it will be False. Just double click on it and make it True as show in picture bellow :
- Now Type “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” in the search bar and change its value from 4 to 250. And click on Okay. Sometime its default value is 32 instead of 4. So, don’t worry, you have to change it by 250 in all cases
- Now type “network.IDN.whitelist.xn--deba0ad” in the Search bar. Right Click on it, go for New and click on Integer as show in Bellow figure
- Now it will ask you to enter Reference Name type “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and click OK. then it will ask you to give delay value just assign “0” and click OK.
That’s all, Now check your Browser speed it will surely
- Now Type “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” in the search bar and change its value from 4 to 250. And click on Okay. Sometime its default value is 32 instead of 4. So, don’t worry, you have to change it by 250 in all cases